The class teacher is Miss Myles.
This term we have lots of exciting new learning to look forward to. In English we will be reading The Baker by the Sea, The Selfish Giant and Freedom Bird. During our Guided reading sessions, we will be exploring The Poet’s Dog and The Undefeated
In Maths we will be exploring and mastering place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, worded problems and graphs.
In the afternoons we will be exploring Who lives in Antarctica in our Geography sessions. During our Art sessions, we will be exploring how we can express ourselves through Art. We will be expanding our French knowledge by talking about ourselves in more detail; describing what we look like and the clothes we wear. In RE we will be focusing in on Christianity.
For our French the Year 5 children will work with Mrs Kelly (exploring where French is spoken and body parts in French), whilst the year 4 children will work with myself. In Science the Year 4 children will work with myself, whilst the year 5 children work with Miss Ward (working on materials). During Maths the Year 5 children will work with myself, whilst the Year 4 children work with Miss Ward.
Homework will be set on Fridays and is due in the following Wednesday.
Reading books will be changed and sent home every Friday. We expect children to read this at least three times a week and for their reading record to be signed by someone at home.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday this term.
Click on the link below to see what we will be learning about this year.
Widnes Academy
Cholmondeley Street
Tel: 0151 424 2799