Hi, my name is Miss O'Rouke and I am the Armstrong class teacher. Mrs cassidy also works alongside me in class.
We have a very busy and exciting term ahead of us! In English we will be reading The Night Pirates, Send for a Superhero and Iggy Peck, Architect and during our Guided Reading sessions we will be putting our daily phonics learning into practice and beginning to read more independently.
In Maths, Year 1 will be mastering numbers to 10, including number bonds, and addition and subtraction within 10. We will look at positional and directional language and finish the term exploring numbers to 20. Whilst Year 2 will be mastering place value, addition and subtraction of numbers to 100 as well as multiplication and division. For Maths, Year 1 are taught by Mrs O’Rourke whilst Year 2 are taught by Miss Shaw.
In the afternoons we will be talking about our own lives so far in History and exploring maps in Geography. In Art we will be trying different ways of drawing, making our own character and book and in DT we will learn about levers, linkages and pivots as we make our own moving monster. In RE we will be reflecting on the questions ‘Why do Christians say that God is a Father?’ and Why is Jesus special to Christians?’ and in PSHE we will be thinking about Family and Relationships and Health and Wellbeing.Our PE topics are gymnastics, running and ball skills, Computing lessons will focus on improving mouse skills and algorithms and Music lessons are all about pulse, rhythm and tempo. In Science this term Year 1 are learning all about the different seasons, followed by everyday materials and Year 2 are exploring habitats and microhabitats. For Science, Year 1 are taught by Mrs O’Rourke and Year 2 by Miss Shaw.
Reading books are sent home every Friday and are to be brought back on Thursday. We expect children to read at least 3 times per week and for their reading record to be signed by someone at home.
Homework will be sent home after half term and again is sent out on Fridays and expected back in on Thursdays. Children will receive dojos for reading at home and completing all of their homework.
Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Friday.
Thank you for visiting our class page and please visit back to see all the other exciting things we will be learning about. Miss O'Rouke
Please click on the link below to see what else we will be learning about this year.
Widnes Academy
Cholmondeley Street
Tel: 0151 424 2799
Email: school@widnesacademy.co.uk